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Re: Ben Stokes

PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 1:26 pm
by budgetmeansbudget
I heard that, he's clearly belted someone.

He should know that hitting someone/something with your hand invariably ends in cracked finger bones, he's had experience of that before with a locker.

He should have used his head, worst he would have got was bruising and a headache!

Re: Ben Stokes

PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 1:50 pm
by sussexpob
I actually have a degree of sympathy with Ben in some respects, I dont think all this talk in the press and from ex-cricketers ranting about lifestyle choices is at all indicative of the issue here. I have no problem with a player going for a few beers after a game, these lads are largely condemned to a life of constant touring, living in hotels and playing. Its important to break the cycle of constant pressure and monotony of the "partridge" life by turning a blind eye to moments where they let off steam. I dont think having a few beers on a Friday night in the pub, job well done for the week, is seen as terminal to normal peoples careers, why should a few beers after a match be seen any differently?

In the end of the day, he punched a locker or two, he went out and got pissed on A team tours and got kicked off, he swears and snarls and has a pretty bad attitude to me, but that didnt stop him being fast tracked into each of the formats teams, and kept there with unshakable faith and endless time to learn his game. HE is essentially the naughty kid who tells his teacher to go f*ck herself in class, and still gets his pick n mix on the way home. No sooner had we learnt he was chucked in his police cell, the England team director was throwing himself at the press saying Stokes would go to Australia.

In a way you cant blame Stokes for his behaviour. No one has ever really made him pay for any of these misdemeanors he does. If he escapes police charge, and he escapes the ECB charge, why would improve his behaviour? If they want to make sweeping changes to personality and save him from destroying his career, then teach him some bl**dy accountability. Punish him. Ban him. Drop him for the winter.

If you tap him on the wrist and ignore the issue, you cant then blame him when he doesnt learn from it. All he is learning at the moment is, he can do what he wants without further punishment.

KP lost his career for whistling, Stokes irons out a member of the public and gets picked. I am sure he is learning some valuable lessons.

Re: Ben Stokes

PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 3:06 pm
by captaincolly
A latest story ( or rumour ?) is that Hales and Stokes may have intervened to try and stop someone who was threatening another punter with a bottle!
No doubt the full story will be revealed in due course but perhaps this incident is more complicated than it first seemed.

Re: Ben Stokes

PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 6:12 pm
by Arthur Crabtree
Can't remember if I read it here on on a news site, but I noticed Vaughan saying he was told about off the record warnings given to Stokes over recent months. If MPV has been told of this stuff in private, I think he should have kept it to himself.

Though it's difficult to know as confidential stuff about KP was routinely leaked to the press and then to the public, so it's confusing.

Re: Ben Stokes

PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 6:14 pm
by captaincolly
Arthur Crabtree wrote:Can't remember if I read it here on on a news site, but I noticed Vaughan saying he was told about off the record warnings given to Stokes over recent months. If MPV has been told of this stuff in private, I think he should have kept it to himself.

Though it's difficult to know as confidential stuff about KP was routinely leaked to the press and then to the public, so it's hard to know.

I think Vaughan has a history of that sort of thing. Was there not a time when Bell was supposedly consulting with a sporting psychologist - Bell denied it but Vaughan went on the radio and said it was definitely true!

Re: Ben Stokes

PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 8:28 pm
by sussexpob
Journos are really noted for being able to keep secrets, not sure you can really blame Vaughan for his comment, its the person who leaked it and the culture behind these leaks that is blameworthy. Why is someone talking to MV about it?

Re: Ben Stokes

PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 10:44 pm
by dan08
Just watched the Stokes video. It's awful. No chance he'll make the Ashes squad now.

Re: Ben Stokes

PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 10:51 pm
by Arthur Crabtree
Surprised that's out there before the charges are dealt with.

Re: Ben Stokes

PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 10:59 pm
by sussexpob
If thats real, hes in deep sh*t.

Re: Ben Stokes

PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 11:01 pm
by sussexpob
Certainly cant claim that as self defence.

Re: Ben Stokes

PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 11:03 pm
by Arthur Crabtree
Wonder if England left him out it would be seen as prejudicing his defence?

Re: Ben Stokes

PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 11:05 pm
by bigfluffylemon
Geez, that sure looks like Stokes and Hales on the video. If it is real, he not just won't tour, he may well end up in prison. No way that was self defence.

Of course, it may not be genuine - bit odd how it ended up in the Sun rather than in police hands. The wait goes on.

Re: Ben Stokes

PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 11:09 pm
by sussexpob
I couldnt pick Hales, was he the guy kicking the man on the floor? If so, he could be in trouble too.

Re: Ben Stokes

PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 11:12 pm
by sussexpob
Arthur Crabtree wrote:Wonder if England left him out it would be seen as prejudicing his defence?

No, I dont think so. The ECB and the law's codes of conduct dont have to be the same, as an example John Terry was dropped from England national team in the lead up to the 2002 World Cup because him and Chelsea team mate had caused trouble in a bar. Terry was also fined for racial language to Anton Ferdinand, despite a court ruling him not guilty of the charges.

Re: Ben Stokes

PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 11:38 pm
by The Professor
Just seen the video....pretty shocking